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Sefardisk jødedom ✡ Sephardi Judaism


Adjektivet sefardisk (hebraisk sefaradí) står til stadnamnet Sefarad. Sjølve namnet var opphavleg namn på ein by kring Tyrkia/Syria, men vart frå tidleg mellomalder av bruka som namn på den Pyrenéiske halvøya — eller det noverande Spania og Portugal.

I moderne språkbruk kan sefardisk (adj.) / sefardím (m.pl.) brukast på fleire måtar:

  1. Jødisk av genealogisk og kulturelt opphav frå mellomalderens Spania og Portugal.
  2. Gruppe 1), og i tillegg jødar av nord-afrikansk og levantisk opphav som følgjer tradisjonen frå mellomalderens Sefarad — den sistnemnde gruppa blir ofte kalla mizraḥím.
  3. (Særleg i moderne aškenazisk språkbruk:) Samleterm for alle ikkje-aškenaziske jødiske grupper.

For meir informasjon om gruppene som fell innanfor kategori 2 og 3, sjå desse sidene:


Sefardisk manuskript frå mellomalderen.

Sefardisk ættegransking / Sephardic Genealogy

Sephardic genealogy at Sephardim.com

“A Research Tool for Sephardic Genealogy / Jewish Genealogy — Una Herramienta de Busqueda de Genealogia Sefardita/Judia — Informações e genealogia Judaica. We changed the face of Sephardic genealogy research.”

Sephardic Genealogy Sources

Ein god stad å begynne om sefardiske familierøter.

SefardSIG Sephardic Genealogy Homepage

Svært god ressursside for sefardisk ættegransking. På same stad finst òg ei e-postgruppe for den som vil diskutere sefardisk genealogi med likesinna: Sefard Forum.

Til toppen

Sefarad 711–1497

Etter at vestgotarane hadde styrt Spania sidan 409 og gjort livet vanskeleg for spanske jødar, kom den mauriske invasjonen i 711, og i 712 vart vestgotarane endeleg slegne. Frå da av kom det til å bli muslimsk styre og relativt gode forhold for jødisk kultur i mange hundre år, inntil den kristne gjenerobringa av Spania gjorde det vanskelegare for muslimar og jødar. På slutten av 1400-talet vart så jødane utviste frå Spania (1492) og Portugal (1497).

The Sefardim During the Golden Age

Om sefardiske jødar i Spania i den gyldne tidsalderen.

Astronomy in Sefarad (Tel-Aviv, Israel)

Om astronomi i mellomalderens jødiske Spania og Portugal. Av Yuval Ne’eman.

The Alhambra Decree / Edict Response by Isaac Abravanel

Alhambradekretet — utvisningsdekretet utferda av dronning Isabel og kong Ferdinand av Castilla i 1492, som tvang dei spanske (= sefardisk) jødane til å forlata Spania for alltid;

Isaac Abravanel sitt svar på utvisningsdekretet.

500th Anniversary of the forced conversion of the Jews of Portugal (Los Angeles, California, USA)

Om 500-årsminnet om tvangskonverteringa av jødane i Portugal i 1497. Av Arthur Benveniste.

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Marranos eller anusim (hemmelege jødar) / Marranos or Anusim (secret Jews)

Marranos eller anusim er termar som ofte blir bruka om dei sefardiske jødane som vart tvangskonverterte i Spania i 1492 og i Portugal 1497 (nokre gonger tidlegare eller seinare) og etterkommarane deira. Etterkommarane deira blir elles ofte kalla bené anusím, ny-kristne (New Christians) eller conversos; og dei av etterkommarane som heldt på alle tradisjonane eller nokre av dei kan òg bli kalla hemmelege jødar (secret Jews) eller krypto-jødar (Crypto-Jews).

Anusim (USA)

Nyheitsgruppe om anusim/marranos. Veldig bra!

Anusim page of Schulamith Halevy (Israel)

Dette er den definitive sida for deg som vil vita meir om marranos eller anusím!

Arthur Benveniste’s Home Page (Los Angeles, California, USA)

Her finst bl.a. historia om ein familie med marrano-bakgrunn.

Bibliography for Anusim Studies


Colombus’s Medinah? (Calgary, Canada)

Artikkel av Eliezer Segal som oppsummerer indisia på at Colombus hadde marrano-bakgrunn.

Finding our lost brothers and sisters: the Crypto Jews of Brazil (Los Angeles, California, USA)

Om marranos frå Brazil som er på veg ut i det opne att. Av Arthur Benveniste.

Halapid — The Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies (Belgia)


Illuminating Lives — the Secret Jews


Institute for Marranos-Anusim Studies (Israel)


Kulanu (USA)

Ein organisasjon som har som mål å hjelpe anusim/marranos og andre etterkommarar av tidlegare jødiske grupper inn i jødedommen att.

Ladino (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)

By Arthur Benveniste.

Letter from a Crypto-Jewess (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)

By Isabelle Medina Sandoval.

Papers, Publications and Essays (Denver, Colorado, USA)

Papers, Publications and Essays by Dr. Seth Ward, University of Denver, Colorado, USA.

Sepharadim, Converso Descendants, Crypto-Jews: Review of a cookbook based on recipes developed from ingredients mentioned in Inquisition records | Crypto-Judaism in the U.S. Southwest | Profiles of Converso Descendants in the U.S. Southwest | Profiles of Converso Descendants in the U.S. Southwest: Lecture in Los Angeles, August 1999 | Sephardim and Crypto-Jews: A Definition of Terms | Sepharad: A brief history of the term.”

Sha‘arei Ratzon (Jerusalem, Israel)

Sefardisk menigheit i Jerusalem av tidlegare anusím av spansk/portugisisk opphav.

The Villarreal Family and the Spanish Inquisition

Historia om ein familie med marrano-bakgrunn.

Who are Crypto-Jews (also known as “marranos”)?


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Nord- & Vest-Europa / Northern & Western Europe

Storbritannia / Great Britain

Bevis Marks Synagogue (London, England)

Dei spanske og portugisiske jødane sin synagoge har vore i bruk sidan han vart ferdigbygd i september 1701. Deler av ritualet har heile tida vore på portugisisk. Synagogen er stadig i bruk, og er bl.a. populær for bryllup.

Bnai Sepharad — United Kingdom

Sefardiske og mizraḥiske synagogar i Storbritannia.

Elizabethan Marranos Unmasked (USA)

“In 1588, Mrs. Mary May sued Dr. Hector Nunes, a Portuguese physician and merchant, in the Court of Queen’s Bench for debt. It seems that Mrs. May’s late husband, Richard, had received insufficient profit for his cloth investment aboard the ill-fated voyage of the “Red Lion of London” to Lisbon in December of 1586. The case was not decided until June 14, 1599, in the Court of Chancery, with Mrs. May prevailing. The case presents some intriguing information concerning Portuguese ‘Marrano’ religious practices in Elizabethan England.” By Charles Meyers.

Judaism in Elizabethan England (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

“Officially, there were no Jews in Britain during Elizabeth’s reign as Queen. The Jewish faith had been banned on the British Isles in 1300, a ban that would not be lifted until 1650, well after Elizabeth’s reign. With the Jewish faith outlawed, the people were forced underground. These underground Jews were called Marranos, a name given to Jews who maintained an outward Christian identity. They would adopt and practice a Christian faith, generating an appearance of Christianity, and at the same time they would practice their true faith in secret. Full traditional services were held in the basements of houses throughout London, and a secret synagogue was maintained at Antwerp.”

Nederland og Belgia / Netherland (Holland) and Belgium

17th Century Conversos in Amsterdam

“In the last decade of the 16th century and first decades of the 17th century, Spanish and Portuguese Conversos left their homelands and came to Amsterdam to seek rejudaization. They were affluent, educated, and willing to learn rabbinic Judaism. There is evidence that Conversos sought to learn and to establish Jewish rituals and worship.” Ved Frank Longoria.

Dutch Sephardic Jewry in the Age of Rembrandt and Spinoza

Svært kortfatta side med litt info om sefardiske jødar i Nederland på 1600-talet.

Beth Haim. The historic Portuguese-Jewish cemetery in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, The Netherlands

Denne portugisisk-jødiske gravlunden har vore i bruk sidan 1614. No er det et restaureringsprosjekt i gang, og du kan lesa meir om det her.

Bnai Sepharad — Netherlands (Holland)

Sefardiske synagogar i Nederland.

Synagoog van de Portugese Ritus "Beth Moshe" (Antwerpen, Belgia)

Den portugisiske synagogen i Antwerpen.

Nord-Tyskland / Northern Germany

føre 1600 På slutten av 1500-talet kjem dei første sefardiske jødane til Hamburg frå Spania og Portugal gjennom Nederland.
1611 Den første jødiske gravlunden blir oppretta i Altona. Nokre meiner at dette var i Königstraße i Altona. Andre meiner at gravlunden i Königstraße vart oppretta i 1663. (Denne finst forøvrig framleis, og inneheld i dag kring 2.500 sefardiske graver og kring 6.000 ashkenaziske. Eit bilde frå gravlunden finst i dette dokumentet.)
1612 Byrådet i Hamburg sett opp ein kontrakt med dei der det står at religiøse møte, omskjering, kristne tenarar og fast eigendom er forbode. Det er 125 jødiske familiar i Hamburg. Ingen borgarrettar, dei må betala ein årleg koppskatt.
1619 Dei sefardiske jødane i Hamburg har gode kontaktar i dei amerikanske koloniane, og dei deltek i grunnlegginga av ein tysk-amerikansk bank i 1619.
1623 Koppskatten blir dobla. Til gjengjeld blir portugisiske jødar beskytta av lova, og dei får foreløpig tilgang til slaktarhuset.
1611 Frå 1611 finst det ein sefardisk rabbinar i Hamburg.
1628 Det blir gjeve løyve til å ha eit synagogelokale.
1650 Tre synagogar, i Alten Wall, Herrlichkeit og Mönkedamm.
1800 6% av befolkninga i Hamburg er jødisk. Av desse er det 130 portugisiske jødar.
1855-1934 Synagoge der Portugiesisch-Jüdischen Gemeinde 1855-1934
Den portugisisk-jødiske menigheita sin synagoge i Zweite Marktstraße 6 (seinare Marcusstraße) i Hamburg vart bygd av den jødiske arkitekten A. Rosengarten og innvigd i 1855. Han var i bruk fram til 1934, da han vart seld til det ashkenaziske Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde.
1935–1940 Esnoga der Portugiesisch-Jüdischen Gemeinde “Bet Jisrael” — Hamburg, Tyskland
Den portugisisk-jødiske menigheita i Hamburg sin nye synagoge i Innocentiastraße 37 vart innvigd torsdag 14. mars 1935 kl. 20:00. Menigheita kom til å eksistere fram til 1940. På 2. Konferenz des Weltbundes der sefardischen Gemeinden i mai 1938 la menigheita fram planer om å flytte heile den sefardiske menigheita til ein eigna koloni ein annan stad i verda: “ ... wenn möglich die Mitglieder der Portugiesisch-Jüdischen Gemeide Hamburgs in ihrere Gesamtheit zur Auswanderung zu bringen und in einer geeigneten kolonie wieder anzusiedeln.” Dette lèt seg dessverre ikkje gjera, og dei fleste attverande sefardiske jødane i Tyskland vart deporterte til dødsleirane... Bygninga i Innocentiastraße 37 eksisterer framleis, og fungerer i dag som privat bustad.

A Jerusalém Do Norte - Sefardische Juden in Hamburg (Hamburg, Tyskland)

Fin nettutstilling om sefardiske jødar (eller såkalla jødar av den portugisiske nasjon) i Hamburg frå den første tida kring 1600 til 2. verdskrigen. På tysk og portugisisk.

Til toppen

Amerika / America

Canada Québec The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue
  “The Corporation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews is the oldest Jewish institution in Montreal, in Quebec and in Canada. It traces its history back to the first Jewish settlers who began to arrive in 1760. The few families met for prayer in private homes until the Congregation was formally established in 1768. [...] The Congregation is one of the few oldest in North America a sister congregation to the other Spanish-Portuguese Congregations which comprise all the early Jewish settlements in North America such as in Curacao, New York, Philadelphia and Newport, Rhode Island. All these were established by adventurous traders who originated in the established communities of Amsterdam and London.”
Cuba   Centro Hebreo Sefaradide Cuba
Calle 17 esquina E
La Habana 10400 
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism President Jose Levy Tur +53-7-326623
Cuban synagogue joins Conservatives
Cuba   Chevet Achim
Inquisidor entre Luz y Santa Clara
Habana Vieja
La Habana 10100
  “Built in 1914, oldest synagogue in Cuba. This building, owned and maintained by Centro Sefardi, is closed and not used for ritual or community purposes. It may be viewed by appointment.”
Tel.: +53-7-326623 (Jose Levy Tur)
Netherlands Antilles Curaçao Congregation Mikvé Israel-Imanuel
P.O.B. 322
Netherlands Antilles
(Western) Sephardic rite,
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
United Congregation Mikvé Israel-Imanuel in Curaçao is the oldest active Jewish congregation in the Americas. The congregation has functioned continuosly since it was founded in 1651 by Sephardic Jews who fled the Inquisition. Today, [the] Congregation continues to follow (western) Sephardic rites; the majority are descendants of Sephardic Jews who originally established themselves there.
USA California Adat Yeshurun Congregation
12405 Sylvan Street
North Hollywood, CA 91609
  Rabbi Amram Gabay
Tel.: +1 818 766-4682
Fax: +1 818 766-0089
USA California Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel
Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
  Tel.: +1 310 475-7311
E-mail: benven@earthlink.net
USA California Em Habanim Congregation
5850 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91607
  Rabbi Haim Louk
Tel.: +1 818 762-7779
Fax: +1 818 762-6735
USA Florida Shaare Ezra Sephardic
770 West 40th Street
Miami Beach,
FL 33140 
Orthodox Union Rabbi Yosef Galimidi
Tel.: +1 305 531-1178 (Rabbi’s Home/Office)
Avraham Franco, President
“The new building, located at 945 West 41st Street, will be ready, G-d willing, for Rosh HaShana, 5758”
“A vibrant Orthodox shul which is growing quickly. Central Miami Beach location is great for regulars and tourists. We publish a weekly ‘Torah Times’ with Divrei Torah and community news. We always welcome guests and potential new congregrants.”
USA Georgia Congregation Or VeShalom
1681 North Druid Hills Road, N.E. Atlanta,
GA 30319
  Rabbi S. Robert Ichay
Tel.: +1 404 633-1737
USA Illinois Sephardic Cong/Portuguese Israelite
1819 West Howard Street
IL 60202
Orthodox Union Tel.: +1 708 475-7707
Fax: +1 708 475-7069
USA Maryland Magen David Sephardic Congregation
11418 Old Georgetown Road 
Rockville, MD 20852
Orthodox Union Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla
Tel.: +1 301 770-6818
USA New Jersey Ben Porat Yosef
P.O. Box 344
New Jersey 07631
  Tel.: +1 201 242-4877
Fax: +1 201 242-3835
E-mail: info@benporatyosef.org
“The Sephardic Yeshiva of Bergen County.
A comprehensive Sephardic approach, which is inclusive of the halacha, history, philosophy and customs of Sephardic, Ashkenazic, and Yemenite Jews. An intensive Ivrit b‘Ivrit program.
A Judaic studies curriculum, based on the Mishna in Pirke Avot Chapter 5, which focuses on an organized, broad-based progression through Tanach, Mishna and Gemara.
A learner-centered environment.
A fully integrated middot and hashkafa program, geared toward creating an environment where learning is fun.”
USA New Jersey Congregation Etz Ahaim
230 Denison Street
Highland Park
New Jersey 08904
Orthodox Rabbi David Bassous
Tel.: +1 732 247-3839
Fax: +1 732 545-3191
E-mail: etzahaim@earthlink.net
“Congregation Etz Ahaim is the only Sephardic synagogue in Middlesex County. It was founded in New Brunswick in 1929 by a group of local businessmen who moved to Central New Jersey from Salonika, Greece, at the beginning of the 20th century.”
USA New York Aur Torah Sephardic Minyan
1180 Rockland and Avenue
Staten Island
NY 10314
E-mail: otsm@aol.com
  “The first Sephardic Congregation on Staten Island, met in September, 1976 and with a borrowed Sepher Torah, held services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. For the next ten years services were conducted in individuals homes. More Sephardic families from Israel began moving into the Heartland area of Staten Island, around 1985. Or Torah Sephardic Minyan Congregation was incorporated in 1987, and at that time moved into rented quarters.
We have acquired exclusively a number of books, pamphlets, and various works of art. Proceeds from the sale of these items will go towards acquiring a home for the congregation.”
USA New York Bnei Yitzchak/Found.fr Sephardic Studies
730 Avenue S
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Orthodox Union  
USA New York Congregation Ahaba Ve Ahva
Ocean Parkway
Minhag Missrayim Rabbi Haim Shaul
President Abe Mosseri
General e-mail: contact@ahaba.com
Webmaster: Eric M.
“Prepare for holidays & events, catch up on your halachot, and become a better Jew with our traditions according to Minhag Missrayim. Ahaba.org is your connection to Torah and to the community. You can now ask our Rabbis any question you like and receive an answer according to our halacha and custom. Wherever you may be: home, office or traveling, stay in touch with Ahaba.org!
USA New York Congregation Shearith Israel
80 West 70th Street
New York, NY 10023
Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Founded 1654, as the first Jewish congregation in North America, by 23 Jews, mostly of Spanish and Portuguese origin, who had been living in Recife, Brazil until the Portuguese defeated the Dutch there. The current synagogue was built in the style of Spanish and Portuguese congregations and consecrated in 1897. Even from the early days, Shearith Israel had Sephardic and Ashkenazic members. The service itself nevertheless follows the custom of Spanish and Portuguese Jews.
USA New York Manhattan Sephardic Congregation
325 East 75th Street
New York
NY 10021
Orthodox Sephardic
“Begun in 1990 as a dwelling for a few wandering and devout seeking congregants, Manhattan Sephardic Congregation now serves as Manhattan’s Upper East Side only full-time venue for orthodox Sephardic worship, flavored with a Moroccan flair.”
USA New York Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie
9320 Flatlands Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11236
  Rabbi Myron E. Rakowitz
Tel.: +1 718 257-0400
USA New York Shaare Shamayim Sephardic Synagogue
112-21 72nd Avenue
Forest Hills, NY 11375
  Rabbi Yihiel Yeshuroun
Tel.: +1 718 263-8102
Fax: +1 718 263-8109
USA Pennsylvania Kahal Kadosh Mikveh Israel
Congregation Mikveh Israel 
Independence Mall East 
44 North 4th Street 
Phildelphia, PA 19106
Spanish-Portuguese “Mikveh Israel, ‘The Hope of Israel,” was founded in 1740 and is an unparalleled American Jewish Institution. It has a two-fold tradition that is the synthesis of the Spanish-Portuguese Jewish ritual and the ongoing development of the American Jewish community.”
USA Washington Congregation Ezra Bessaroth
5217 S. Brandon St. 
WA 98118
Sephardic Orthodox Rabbi William Greenberg
Tel.: +1 206 722-5500
Fax: +1 206 725-8985
E-mail: ezrabessaroth@cs.com
USA Washington Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation
6500 62nd Avenue South
Seattle, 98118
Orthodox Union Rabbi Simon Benzaquen
President John M. Walls
Tel.: +1 206 723-3028
Fax: +1 206 760-9469
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Oppdatert (Updated) 7. juni 2005 / 29. ijjár 5765

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