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Ṭaŋamím ✡ טַֽעֲמִים

Bibelkantillasjon etter London-tradisjonen av spanske og portugisiske sefardím

Bible cantillation according to the London tradition of Spanish and Portuguese Sephardim

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NB!   To see the music examples on this page you need to have the font “MusiQwik” installed on your computer. If you cannot see the music, click here to download this font. This font, which was made by Robert Allgeyer, is free. To see the license, click here. The Hebrew text is best displayed with the font SBL Hebrew, which can be downloaded in a version for MS Windows here. Almost equally good is the free font Ezra SIL SR which you can read about on SIL’s web pages. You can download the file from them or locally from Hassafon. If you are using an old Mac or PC, this page cannot be displayed properly. If this is the case, a PDF version can be found here. Please note that the PDF version may not be as recent as the HTML version.

Den vestsefardiske tradisjonen frå Vest-Europa og Maghreb kan delast inn i desse deltradisjonane:

The western Sephardi tradition from Western Europe and the Maghreb can be subdivided in the following main groups:

  • Marokko-tradisjonen
  • Gibraltar-tradisjonen (Gibraltar)
  • London-tradisjonen (Storbritannia; Jamaica og andre tidlegare britiske koloniar)
  • Bordeaux-tradisjonen (Bordeaux, Bayonne og andre stader i Frankrike)
  • Livorno-tradisjonen (Livorno og andre stader i Italia)
  • Amsterdam-tradisjonen (Nederland, Curaçao, USA)
  • Hamburg-tradisjonen (tidl. Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein og delv. Skandinavia)
  • The Morocco tradition
  • The Gibraltar tradition (Gibraltar)
  • The London tradition (Great Britain; Jamaica and other former British colonies)
  • The Bordeaux tradition (Bordeaux, Bayonne and other locations in France)
  • The Livorno tradition (Livorno (Leghorn) and other locations in Italy)
  • The Amsterdam tradition (The Netherlands, Curaçao, USA)
  • The Hamburg tradition (formerly used in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and, to a smaller extent, in Scandinavia)

På denne sida finst eit oversyn over bibelkantillasjonen slik han blir bruka av spanske og portugisiske sefardím frå Storbritannia og tidlegare britiske koloniar.

On this page, you will find an overview of the Bible cantillation as it is used by Spanish and Portuguese Sephardim from Great Britain and former British colonies.

(Den såkalla «jerusalem-sefardiske» tradisjonen som er svært populær blant sefardím frå Balkan og Israel er ein heilt annan tradisjon av syrisk opphav som tek utgangspunkt i arabiske maqāmāt.)

(The so-called “Jerusalem Sephardi” traditionen, which is very popular amongst Sephardim from the Balkans and Israel is a different tradition with Syrian origins, based on the Arabic maqāmāt.)

Ṭàŋamím for Qeriàt Torá | Taŋamim for Qeriat Tora

Namn | Name
(kommentar | commentary)
Torá-melodi | Torah melody
(Sefaradím, London)
שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ זַרְקָא֘

šofár holékh zarqá


זַרְקָא֘ סְגוֹלְתָּ֒א

zarqá seğoltá


שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ סְגוֹלְתָּ֒א

šofár holékh seğoltá


שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ תַּלְשָׁ֩א

šofár holékh talšá


פָּזֵר גָּד֡וֹל תַּלְשָׁ֩א

pazér gadól talšá


אַזְלָ֨א גְרִ֜ישׁ

azlá ğeríš


שְׁנֵי גְרִישִׁ֞ין

šené ğerišín



(anna enn etter azlá | except after azlá)


שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵךְ פָּסֵ֣ק ׀

šofár holékh paséq





שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ רְבִ֗יעַ

šofár holékh rebíaŋ


דַּרְגָּ֧א שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ רְבִ֗יעַ

dargá šofár holékh rebíaŋ


מְהֻפָּ֤ךְ קַדְמָא֨

mehuppákh qadmá



(anna enn etter mehuppákh | except after mehuppákh)


מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ קַדְמָא֨

mà’aríkh qadmá


אַזְלָ֨א מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ קַדְמָא֨

azlá mà’aríkh qadmá


תְּרֵי קַ֨דְמִ֨ין

teré qadmín


מְהֻפָּ֤ךְ תְּרֵי קַ֨דְמִ֨ין

mehuppákh teré qadmín


זָקֵף קָט֔וֹן

zaqéf qaṭón


שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ זָקֵף קָט֔וֹן

šofár holékh zaqéf qaṭón


אַזְלָ֨א זָקֵף קָט֔וֹן

azlá zaqéf qaṭón


זָקֵף גָּד֕וֹל

zaqéf gadól


מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ תְבִ֛יר

mà’aríkh tebír


אזְלָ֨א מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ תְבִ֛יר

azlá mà’aríkh tebír


דַּרְגָּ֧א תְבִ֛יר

dargá tebír


דַּרְגָּ֧א תְרֵי טַעְמֵ֦י

dargá teré ṭaŋmé


מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ טַרְחָ֖א

ma’aríkh ṭarḥá



(avsluttar halvverset | ends the half-verse)


שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ אַטְנָ֑ח

šofár holékh aṭnáḥ;
(avsluttar halvverset | ends the half-verse)








שׁוֹפָר הוֹלֵ֣ךְ יֶֽרַח בֶּן יוֹמ֪וֹ

šofár holékh jèraḥ ben jomó


קַרְנֵי פָרָ֟ה

qarné fará,





סוֹף פָּסֽוּק׃

sof pasúq.
(avsluttar vanlege vers | ending of normal verses)


מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ סוֹף פָּסֽוּק׃

mà’aríkh sof pasúq.
(avsluttar vanlege vers | ending of normal verses)


Avslutning av ŋalijjá, var. I | Ending of ŋaliyyá, Var. I

מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ טַרלחָ֖א סוֹף פָּסֽוּק׃

mà’aríkh ṭarḥá sof pasúq.


Avslutning av ŋalijjá, var. II | Ending of ŋaliyyá, Var. II

מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ טַרלחָ֖א מַֽאֲרִ֥יךְ סוֹף פָּסֽוּק׃

mà’aríkh ṭarḥá, mà’aríkh sof pasúq.




Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Liturgical Music

London-tradisjonen presentert ved midi- og QuickTime-filer frå sephardim.org (Jamaica).

The London tradition exemplified through midi and QuickTime files from sephardim.org (Jamaica).



Gaon 1965: סדר התפלות כמנהג ק״ק ספרדים שער השמים בלונדון יע״א = Book of prayer of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation, London : with an English translation. Based principally on the editions of the Rev. D. A. de Sola and Haham Moses Gaster. Revised under the authority of Solomon Gaon, Ph.D., Haham of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregations of Great Britain and published for The Society of Heshaim. Oxford (printed at the University Press for the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue by Vivian Ridler), 5725-1965. (pp. 361–367.)

Sephardi Torah trope, tangamim, tangameem, te'amei mikra, ta'amei mikra, maarich tarcha pasuk mehuppach mahpach talsha telisha t'lisha tebir tevir t’vir zarka kadma kadmah zarkah zakef zakeif shofar holech munach munah yetib yetiv jetiv shalshelet shalsheleth shalsheles yerach ben yomo yareach karne farah karnei farah parah atnach asnach atnah revia' rebia' rebiang shene gerishin gereesheen gershaim gershayim g'rishin shenei sh'nei mercha merchah tipcha pasek paseik revi'i r'vi'i kadmin kadmeen zakef katon zakeif katon zokeif zokef koton posek poseik

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Skrivarstuå ©2005 Olve Utne
Oppdatert (Updated) 6 februar 2005 / 28 šebát 5765