“Amiga — So the World May Know.” Den offisielle Amiga-sida.
“The premier source of Amiga information.” Den nest mest offisielle Amiga-sida.
“Aminet is the Internet’s largest collection of Amiga software. You’re connected to the complete Mirror on ftp.sunet.se, located in Uppsala, Sweden. We have all files online. From here you access the: Recent uploads list | Tree of Aminet directories | Search tool for Aminet files | Charts of most downloaded files | Help files on Aminet | Mirror list of WWW Aminet sites | Directory of Amiga news and webpages netwide.”
Nettstaden til Amiga Active / Amigactive Magazine - eit stort Amiga-tidsskrift.
Har mykje nytt og brukt datautstyr, med særleg vekt på Amiga.
ftp-program for Amiga.
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Olve Utne
Oppdatert (Updated) 03.02.2002